Insane Ravings of an MTV Liftman

Currently working on bringing it back from the Grave...Time to clean up those cobwebs and rusty screws a bit :D

Saturday, July 08, 2006

What Was I Thinking ?

Would you believe this insane piece that I wrote some two years ago was actually selected for my college's annual magazine...phew! Goes to show there are nutters like me in the highest echelons of the literati too!

There are times when I think and times when I don’t. It’s then when a thought crosses my mind…which means I think. But then if I am thinking am I not breaking the status quo??

You see when you don’t want any thoughts to cross your mind your mind is flooded with so many thoughts you don’t want to think about its amazing…It’s at this very moment you want to shout out from the rooftops, stand at the edge of the world and holler “I don’t want to think!”

But you are thinking right?

So if you are thinking it means you have no control over your thought process…the very moment of bliss and serenity you want your mind to have is abruptly broken because your mind doesn’t want it…

If your mind doesn’t want you to make it stop thinking, who is superior…man or his mind?

If you say with that vain pride and conviction that it’s man who is superior aren’t you a victim of your own mind…your mind wants you to THINK you are in control…

If you think you are in control aren’t you under the control of your mind which makes you think.
So if you want to break free…realize your inner self, you have to wrest back the control of your mind from itself. Make your mind think…Don’t make it make you think…

So in short don’t use your mind …

The next time you want to stop thinking, think about this…

P.S. Somehow I was not drunk while ruminating about thinking. Hold on! This guy is too much into litotes… confused? Read on.

The human mind has this tendency to wrap itself into complex layers whenever it starts creaking. Some how when I try to do some creaking and tweaking all I hear is a hollow clanging, which means something is missing.
(Note to the editor: the above paragraph was my unedited ‘contribution’ during the poetry club ‘induction’. Wow!! Somehow I seem to be getting better every second. Too much of self
‘realization’! Ed must be pulling his hair in frustration.
(Note from the Ed: No wonder your skills in poetry are talked about in all the
continents except Antarctica!!))

Would you believe if I told you I was born to do rhyming. Of course, there have been times when my constant ing-ing has brought over bad tidings. But it’s not really depressing. All I do is take some Prozac to bring back the zing!

I guess this ‘ing’ thing is becoming too tiring. Of course I am gonna face a public lynching once you finish reading. So let me stop singing “What was I thinking?”


Blogger Abhay said...

>>If you think you are in control aren’t you under the control of your mind which makes you think.

what is "you" here? isn't "mind" and "you" the same thing? or is there something more to a life than a brain (<- i am guessing this is what you mean by mind here)

5:52 PM  
Blogger Shashank said...

Obviously i am stating clearly that i consider the mind as a subset of my entire body and tis a famous discussion we had once i believe theres another sort of collective conscious a person has...people label it the soul..i call it a collective experience..ofcourse i am writing all this under the heady influenece of the first class cancelled...

P.S. It was the 'First' class!

11:48 AM  
Blogger cynduja said...

lol..which college was this?

4:44 AM  

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